Welcome To Ascot Diet Clinic

Ascot Diet Clinic has almost 20 years of experience and has revolutionized the weight loss industry with a hands on approach to weight loss. Anybody can lose weight successfully and permanently by adhering to a few simple rules. Most importantly, the Ascot program should be seen as a lifestyle, not a diet. We have successfully treated more than 7000 people from the age of 12 years and up.

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About Ascot Diet Clinic


Confronted with changes in retail Pharmacy, he developed his own slimming program, using injections together with different medicines and slimming techniques. The Ascot Diet Clinic program is well known, with clinics in South Africa and Mozambique. They also have customers in Australia, England, Dubai and Zimbabwe.



When you are overweight, the stomach, being the main organ contributing to the stimulation of our metabolism, is a muscle. Over the years we have eaten excess portions than required by the body and the end result is a stretched stomach muscle. Being overweight means that our stomachs are used to the amount of high quantity food consumed on a daily basis and the metabolism will only be stimulated if the stomach is full. (Receptors stimulating metabolism are situated in the muscle wall of the stomach). You will start developing cravings for sugar and carbohydrates if your daily food consumption is not balanced because your metabolisms’ need is still high and cannot provide the necessary energy your body requires to function sufficiently.

With help from Ascot’s carefully formulated solution your appetite will be suppressed firstly, meaning you will stay full for longer with smaller portions and secondly your metabolism will be increased without the stomach being full. In conclusion, your stomach muscle will start shrinking! 

When you reach your goal weight, you won’t slip back into your old eating habits because your body does not need the extra food any more. Don’t force yourself to eat more than your stomach allows because then you will start storing fat again and gain weight.

Decreasing your food portion sizes isn’t easy, that is why additional vitamin supplements are added to your monthly package, to keep you mentally and physically ready for a lifestyle change.

About us

one day or day one

Being healthy and in shape is hard, but so is being unhealthy and overweight – choose your hard. And that is what we did, we decided to start looking after ourselves and have never looked back.  This is an amazing program and it works if you are prepared to do the work.

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I know how hard it is and I will hold your hand every step of the way – offer support and guidance.  When you start loving the body you live in, everything else falls into place.

My passion is to assist with weight loss, safely with the use of our natural products and homeopathic fat-burning injections and KEEPING IT OFF

I will suggest different medicine at different stages of your diet, provide balanced, healthy and easy eating plans and teach you how to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Our products do not contain any harmful or banned substances. I offer support and motivation throughout your weight loss journey.

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this is me


082 448 7117


Remember: Lose the weight you want with support from us throughout your program.
injection Option

The injections are a homeopathic fat burner that is totally safe with no side effects other than weight loss. Injections are given from a 1ml diabetic needle and are painless.

This option includes weekly or daily visits to the clinic, weight, body fat and measurement monitoring, various eating plans including a special eating plan for diabetics. Along with the injections there are various medications for the various stages of your diet.

Results depend on how well you follow our instructions and how well you co-operate with us. The first consult will take approximately 30 minutes for the program to be explained and BMI to be measured.

Indicated for:

Clients with a high BMI which could lead to potential health risks

Clients with Hypertension or High Cholesterol

Clients who need to lose body mass before surgery

Clients who want to experience a better quality of life, look better and feel more confident about their bodies.

Contra Indications:

Pregnant or breastfeeding woman

injection-free Option

This does not include injections but it does include a kilojoule controlled eating plan with an instruction brochure, a chart to monitor your weight and cm as well as kilojoule controlled recipes for a healthy lifestyle. This option also includes daily or weekly visits to the clinic and monitoring of weight, body fat and body measurements. None of our products contain any banned or illegal substances and can be traced back fully to the Ascot Pharmacy who has to adhere to strict controls as set out by the Medicines Control Council.

Weight to be lost

The amount of injections required is determined based on your desired weight loss as follows:

Up to 8kg
  • 3 injections per week
  • total of 12 injections  over 4 weeks
8kg to 18kg
  • 4 injections per week
  • total of 16 injections  over 4 weeks
18kg & UPWARDS
  • 5 injections per week
  • total of 20 injections  over 4 weeks


The weight loss industry is full of myths. People are often advised to do all sorts of crazy things, most of which have no evidence behind them. However, over the years, Health Practitioners have found a number of strategies that seem to be effective.


Most frequent questions and answers

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